Here are some of the most Frequently Asked Questions we get for Today’s Rancher Cloud.
Don’t see your? Go Here to ask us. Oh and if you don’t have a Ranch Id, just put in “None”

Q. How much?

A. $4.99 a month, 1st month free

Q. Why do you Charge?

A. We have to pay for the server the system lives on and we have to pay for what is called bandwidth that we use. We try to keep the price as low as possible because we know that ranchers and farmers usually aren’t swimming in money.

Q. This seems like a new product, how do I know it’ll be here?

A. The cloud product was originally developed and introduced in 2015. I kept it going as long as I could, but then the world got crazy. Today’s Rancher is now part of the Ashby Navis and Tennyson Digital Media Publishing company and I don’t have to do everything by myself.

Q. Is this Cattle only?

A. Yes, this version is cattle only. Future plans call for the release of one for Goats and one for Sheep. Release dates for those will be in the 2nd part of 2025.

Q. Does it integrate with the desktop or mobile versions?

A. Not at this time. We do have an app that will offer you the ability to log in to the system from your Android phone and we’re working on one for the Apple phones.

Q. What if I try it and don’t like it?

A. We’ll be happy to download any data you have entered into CSV files and send them to you, no harm no foul.

Q. What about technical support?

A. Fill out a form on the site and we’ll get together with you and figure out what went wrong or what’s causing you issues.

Q. What if I want to have multiple users for the system?

A. Contact us and we’ll work something out, remember we have to pay for all the stuff people send over the internet, but we’ll figure out something.